This is my temporary directory, I'll move from here as soon as I'll finish my personal web page. Frankly I have no idea when.
2011 m. lapkričio 13 d., sekmadienis
Reset addict
I must confess. I am a "reset addict". I'm pushing that button both metaphorically and literally. And sometimes this wish to start everything again is ridiculous. I remember on project for one of university assignments. I've started two months before deadline, did lots of work, used every trick i knew including putting all schedule as sticky notes on a big peace of glass. Last night I've changed practically everything and remade this project completely. Another examples are almost every project I've tried to complete on web and basically every project with programming except programming assignments in university, therefore I hope to break that "reseting streak" and try to finally launch my personal site. So be ready for it in 2012 first quarter. That all for now.
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Vieni laukia pasaulio pabaigos 2012 metais, o aš lauksiu, kada pagaliau savo tinklalapį sukursi
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