2010 m. spalio 16 d., šeštadienis

OK, so it's the big day. The statistics midterm. After reading statistics for two ours at 6:00 AM, I realized, that statistics is too difficult for me right now. And since I'm sure that neither statistics is very hard nor I do not have little intelligence for it, I think that I'm doing something completely wrong, and/or haven't enough will, stamina or whatever, to stick with a task till the and either i need more training or (as A. Bandura's theory says) have too little faith in my abilities. Well I do have it in most of the time, until face some really serious task. I guess in either case It's better for me to practice to stick to the hard tasks than.

1 komentaras:

Kazys Andrius rašė...

Keep improving Your learning skills and have more faith in your abilities. Besides, keep writing :] Found few mistakes, but there is always a point to improve.