I've written, that making people question their beliefs, establish new opinions is something that makes think and thinking fatigues most of people, bushes them out of comfort zone.
Now I've found out that in reality it's more complex, because social factors comes into play. If somebody isn't motivated to understand, they will not and it really doesn't matter what. For instance Ray Comfort can't understand evolution, big bang theory, abiogenesis and NephilimFree can't understand that earth is spinning around earth and so on. On the other hand same people can understand how earth was created before sun, while knowing (well, not always) that earth is spinning around sun, how sun can be created before sun even knowing that sun is the source of daylight and so on. So it's not just about mere simplicity of explanation or simplicity of very phenomenon that is explained, but rather authority of the one who explain, social influence, credibility of speaker, etc.
That's not really reassuring, but as Richard Feynman said, "if you don't like this go elsewhere, to the other reality perhaps, that is more simple, more psychologically pleasing".