This is my temporary directory, I'll move from here as soon as I'll finish my personal web page. Frankly I have no idea when.
2011 m. gruodžio 14 d., trečiadienis
30% of planing, 5% of coding, 65% of debugging
2011 m. lapkričio 13 d., sekmadienis
Reset addict
2011 m. lapkričio 5 d., šeštadienis
Sometimes apologies are sincere. One person feels sincere regret, he apologise and the one who accepts apology really forgives. This is in my humble opinion the best interaction people who done something wrong to one another. Now of course the insincere apologies is not the only problem. Another problem is the wish for vengeance. When someone did something wrong to You, You just want to torture the person every way imaginable to make him really pay and if he feel regret, he tries to sincerely apologise sometime he tries to torture himself in order to make this apology accepted and sometimes, You are taking advantage of his sincere regrets and try to torture him even more. People has got used to this, and therefore those who doesn't want to be abused this way tries not to apologise, tries to act as if they doesn't care, because they doesn't want to be tortured, even if they torture themselves deep inside.
So even if turning another cheek in general may be not a good idea, but sometimes understanding of each other, understanding that everybody does mistakes, instead of blaming and judging, everybody wold be better of and would make relationships much better amongst all of us.
2011 m. gegužės 18 d., trečiadienis
Honesty and "what if"
Of course merely anger management are least of my problems of honesty with self. Another is fear to honest, fear, because I don't know is something terrible is going to happen next.
2011 m. gegužės 8 d., sekmadienis
2011 m. balandžio 5 d., antradienis
Don't make me think (continued)
I've written, that making people question their beliefs, establish new opinions is something that makes think and thinking fatigues most of people, bushes them out of comfort zone.
Now I've found out that in reality it's more complex, because social factors comes into play. If somebody isn't motivated to understand, they will not and it really doesn't matter what. For instance Ray Comfort can't understand evolution, big bang theory, abiogenesis and NephilimFree can't understand that earth is spinning around earth and so on. On the other hand same people can understand how earth was created before sun, while knowing (well, not always) that earth is spinning around sun, how sun can be created before sun even knowing that sun is the source of daylight and so on. So it's not just about mere simplicity of explanation or simplicity of very phenomenon that is explained, but rather authority of the one who explain, social influence, credibility of speaker, etc.
That's not really reassuring, but as Richard Feynman said, "if you don't like this go elsewhere, to the other reality perhaps, that is more simple, more psychologically pleasing".
2011 m. kovo 19 d., šeštadienis
Don't make me think
2011 m. vasario 27 d., sekmadienis
I don't like how I comunicate
This kind of thinking on one hand helps to try to improve, on the other this lead to low self confidence, which is not exactly the property you'd expect from decent speaker - writer.
So what to do? Theory and practices the first thing, that pops in to my head every time, I think o learning of any kind. OK, now let's be more specific. What books and what kind of training? Yes, books, because, thats the best source of knowledge, at least most accessible one. So I came across with a book called "Thank you for arguing" and going to stick with that book until further notice.
However any good theory is useless without good practice. Where to practice? Now that's the question.
2011 m. vasario 23 d., trečiadienis
Whats new
My point is this: happiness is in changes, it's not some permanent state. That makes sense, because it's evolutionary advantage. It's good thing to fell euphoric, if you achieve something, not so good staying in that state permanently, because there would be no reason to achieve next thing. Right?
P.S. I know, that usually (like right now) I am being banal and have clumsy language, but... well don't like it, don't read it.